4.5m3 FEL Bin
2050 x 1700 x1950(h)
When you need efficient volume collection, the PLAST-AX 4.5m³ is the solution.
The 4.5m³ has a large opening which is ideal for post-industrial recycling for soft plastics and cardboard.
This bin followed the 1.5m³ and 3m³ bins in the PLAST-AX FEL range, continuing on all the well-proven design structure elements and user benefits for our customers.
Going to a large bin like the 4.5m³ can provide efficient waste collection for both ends of the scale:
- Containing waste from high volume ouput sites, often manufacturing facilities and large industrial sites.
- Providing a large respecticle for remote and lower volume customers, farm sites and rural factories, so that collection cycles can be less frequent.