Value proposition – Growth plan


Create Best In The World
Solutions for Industry.

Elevating people’s
with a Safer, Easier,
Better-Looking Operation.


Deliver Exceptional Value
In Commercial Operations with world class
Bin & Lid solutions.

To make that part
of people’s lives easier,
every day.


Support Our Customers
alongside the long lifecycle of our products.

A Specialist
Supply Partner using a
Sustainable Design Method
(Tomorrow’s Edge)

Core Values
Belief that a Safer, Easier Experience
Elevates people to deliver best outcomes
A Better-Looking Operation Inspires:
• Positive Engagement
• Cleaner Spaces
• Less Wastage
• Increased Productivity

Being positive & thankful in recognition to people for their trust, commitment & investment in our journey together.

A PLAST-AX Experience
Sustainable Design DNANetworking for
Sustainable Growth
PLAST-AX Sustainable Design DNA
• Process Innovation
• Strongest Designs
• Recycled Materials
• Longer Lifespans for Best Prices
• Using Less Resources
• Reduce Environmental Impact

Circular Economy

Our way of life

Working together we can keep the planet clean for the future.

Product stewardship is not something you can complete, exactly, or graduate from, it is a way of life.

Our program provides a full circular solution for PLAST-AX waste streams and an end-of-life solution for our FEL bin range to ensure that we recover and recycle as much material as possible, continually extending the life span of the resources we use.

PLAST-AX FEL bins made from 100%  recycled material have been successfully performance tested to full weight load of 400kg/m³. We have several of these bins in service full time to monitor their strength and performance over the coming years.

Video Series

There is a full video series documenting the entire polymer journey through all the 4 PSP phases is available on below.

1. Source Seperation

Firstly we separate out our tank grade hexene and from other packaging, and general waste so that we have a single polymer to recycle. 

This is absolutely critical to the overall success of any recycling program. 

2. Chip, Extrude & Granulate

Prior to processing, our material is isolated, clearly marked, and the plant is cleaned down with a purge. 

The product is then chipped, melted, dyed, and filtered through a screen mesh to remove any contamination. 

At this phase we currently dye the resin black (3% master batch) because the source material is a mixture of colours. In future when there is sufficient signal colour input volume, we will be able to add masterbatch colour and run full batches of other colours. 

The extruded material is then cut into granules and cooled to harden for storage.

3. Processed to Powder

The black granules are then ready for their next phase in being ground evenly to a finished mouldable powder.Consistent product size is crucial for our final rotational moulding phase to come, and we partner with experienced providers to utilise their expertise in this area.

The granules are sucked up and feed through grinding discs; the resultant powder is sifted through a shaking hopper, removing any inconsistency in size, before being bagged and clearly labelled.

So much of the success of any recycling program is in the ability to keep source material clean and separate, but then also to be able to batch isolate throughout the process, especially where a number of parties are working together. You need companies and people that really care.

4. Remoulding FEL Bins

The ground powder is weighed out into its respective shot weights for remaking in the PLAST-AX tooling.

These bins are made from 100% NZ recycled material, we put these bins through the full range of tests for FEL bins. This includes the 1200kg load in the 3m3 strapped in for 100x consecutive lifts.

It was seriously impressive to watch them handle the whole test with absolute ease, showing no signs at all of stress or reduction in performance. This is a real tribute to the achievability of a circular economy (and our ability to deliver on it).

5. A New Life

Product Stewardship Programme

First inspired at the WasteMINZ conference in 2018, PLAST-AX has been committed to a voluntary product stewardship programme since January 2019.
It has been submitted to MFE for official accreditation; this provides a clear structure with operating deliverables and diversion goals for now and in the future.
PLAST-AX has funded all the time, materials and capital cost required to implement and develop the ability and processes to make this project function.

Part One


Part Two

Now and as we go – it’s a journey