Steel = Rust = Corrosion Guarantee = High R&M & Replacement Costs
Heavy Bins = Less Product Volume Carted
Very Heavy = High Transport Cost on Back Load Freight
Leaking Welds very Hard to Find & Repair = Fines for Leakage on Public Roads
Rust Proof = & Stronger than Every Plastic Alternative Worldwide = Forklift Time Protection
Light, Smooth & Strong Bins = Higher Volumes of Product Carted & Less Backload Freight Cost
Easy to Clean & Repair = Best for Food Safety = Audit Pass
Non Sustainable Design for Rough Environments = Split Lip
Guaranteed High R&M Costs & Irreparable Damages
No Forklift Time Slice Protection on High Damage Areas = Bins Out of Action = Inefficiencies & Cost
Best Price vs Expected Life Span
Sustainable in The Worst Rough Environment
Sturdy Repairable Material = Long Lasting = Repairable
Heavy Duty Sustainable Design & Solid Rim = Endures Impacts & Survives Mis-use
Hard to Detect Leak = Foam is Contaminated = Negative Food Safety Effects Cause Plant Shutdowns.
Irreparable – Single Use Throwaway After Damage is Sustained
Foam Insulation Works Against Cooling, Hot Product Down, in a Chiller = Time & Energy Lost
Endures Forklift Impacts = Designed for the Worlds Roughest Environments
Smooth Strong Design Shape = Holds Extremely Heavy Loads Stacked Full
Thin Brittle Material = Splits on Heavy Impacts & Can Create Plastic Shards
Not Forklift Friendly = Not Repairable = Irrecoverable Costs = Throwaway
Sharp Edges & Shards Created = Food Safety High Risk = Audit failure
Replaceable Slats = Not a Throwaway Commodity vs Comparisons (Entire Bin)
Food Grade Material = Food Safety Excellence
Flexible Material = Food Safety Friendly